Sunday, April 17, 2011

America Now IS The Time

Okay, I don't have all the answers. I need your help. That is why I started this blog so others like myself  ,Others who are just waiting for someone to step in and say enough is enough . I Thought that was the TEA party but in just a few short months We can all see through their Smoke and Mirriors. So who ?
That is the million dollars question and I can't answer it. But you Know what I can do. I can stop WAITING  for that ONE! I can start by putting pressure on Leaders in my district but that is only one Politician one voice of reson if we want change we must Ring the Bell of LIBERTY MAKE THE SOUND OF FREEDOM LOUD AND CLEAR WE ARE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND WE ARE SOLID AS A MOUNTAIN AND WILL NOT BE MOVEDBY A TYRANICAL GOVERNMENT.

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