Saturday, April 23, 2011

"Power Corrupts" Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

So You Still Can't see, what is happening Right in front of your Faces .
Or is it you are Afraid to admit that it is happening? out of fear that then you will have to act
or do somthing about the Problems here in America today. Whatever is going on in your mind as far as what is really happening in the world today  if you are not doing somthing about the Issiues than you have not acknowledged that there is a problem , America I urge you do something be swift a dilligent in taking on this task for it will be the hardest thing you may ever do , America we are being led to believe that our  Government is going to be able to get us of our current Crisis when in fact they are the very reason that we are in the situation to begin with, People wake up and realize that the reason our govenment is out of control and is nolonger serving the very people in wich it claims to be in power for is because the people have allowed it to get that way , we have not been holding our Government accountable and have allowed the Government to take on the issiues without the people's needs or concernes for those issiues resolved before making the final decesion for  how those will effect and change our lives , Instead we have basicly put our sytem on AUTO PILOT and allowed ourselves to depend on somthing other than our own hard work to get us there and instead of getting closer to our desired destination we have veared way off course and are now lost without the proper guiding system to get us back on course and we risk running out of FUEL and being LOST FOREVER . AMERICA ! WE NEED TO TAKE BACK CONTROL AND USE WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED FROM OUR PAST TO GET US BACK ON COURSE OR WE RISK THE ULTIMATE LOSE AND THAT WOULD BE ETERNAL . We can not do this without the help of You post, Blog , comment, follow or e-mail we need your support thank you America

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