Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lets "Clear The Air"

Okay , I Am Saying As Clearly As I Can , I AM NOT REPRESENTING  Socialist , Communist, Liberal , or Libertarian,Democrat , Republican or any other Government Parties. I am trying to "Unite The American People " I Am American With a Long Heritage in this Country To Patriotism and Loyalty to the Constitution
of this great Country. SO if you must label it, Name it, Tag it to Rap it and you just got to call it something than I guess You can call us The NEW CONSTITUTIONAL PARTY. Where ALL Americans are created EQUAL as our Designer, And founding fathers envisioned as a greater Union we all call America (home). They were meaning the Union of Americans Not a Division between us because our beliefs in Religion Or Politics may vary from one person to another . Because Be certain of one thing , we may differ there on opinion, but we can all come together on one idea, And that is "WE WANT BETTER"  not only ourselves but for our children as well , and as Americans we are willing to get our hands a little dirty to get the job done  , But WE ARE NOT WILLING to sacrifice our children's future on a" BET "that the house wont WIN . And what I mean By That is There are many people within our Government and even People that Have our Government Representatives" hanging off "of their coat tails, And those People are Really the ones calling the shots and getting Rich just swiping the Never Ending Credit limitless (huh) Debit Card we have issued the government (wish I could get some of that ) . So Where do we go from here ? How Do we Correct what has been twisted, into some sick perversion to fit a Society of Elites ?  I don't know about you (reader) But I am far from an Elite. See That is the problem , These People who represent us are focused on one agenda "Getting Rich", and that means getting to Washington to advance that agenda . And they Don't care how many Lies they tell you (the American People ) to get there . And you think I am blowing smoke well I seen these things first hand and Could not speak for fear of Reprisal. Yes I  have been a servant to this country and a defender for the Constitution  , and know what it feels like to be gaged for the "sake of the Constitution" There is more frivolous spending within the government than Lies By politicians I couldn't tell the difference between the banks and Government the "left hand just filling up the right"
So Don't think I am a preaching Hypocrite, This is a call to Fellow Americans All Patriots and Defenders of the Constitution. I need Your Help! If you are Tired, of sinking deeper into this hole we are allowing our Current Politicians to get us in . Then let Your voice be heard, We are not Powerless against our Government ,Because without us (American People) our Government has NO Power.   You want To know the real way to fix EVERYTHING Stop all government spending and keep the Government In charge of ONE THING ALONE and is Defense nothing else and have a cap on that with better accounting for how Funds are really spent . Give all Government Representatives Designated home within the Capitol  that they MUST LIVE IN during their term in office Rent free . They should receive The maximum amount allotted for their household for Food Stamps, A Vehicle should be provided and all expenditures picked up by the American People ( quarterly audits for those expenditures) A salary cap of $150,000 every year while they are in office and should they serve more than three terms in their respected positions then they should receive $35,000.00 for 20 years as a pension after the age of 70 . And while I am on that we should raise the retirement age TODAY to 70 and give no more than 115% of what any one individual put into the SS program and if you Earned more than 250,000  for 4 years during your life of employment than you should automatically be out of the program and be charged a lower interest towards the program. (JUST PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY THATS ALL ) I have lots of Ideas and I am sure you (reader) do to
So Please post them and remember, This is an open blog to All Americans.

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