Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Hello family, friends ,and Americans
  It saddens me to sit here and think that we are falling deeper into this belief that our current elected "government" will correct all the problems that it has created.
   PEOPLE! if that is what you believe, Then "good luck". If you have been asleep for so long that you don't see past your own "bubble" then you had better get ready for the burst
   I want you to think , PLEASE THINK! About all the things that are happening around you and  start to notice things that are wrong, But are not sure what to do, or are just unwilling to do anything at all then be prepared for the worst At this moment America is dividing into two groups the "prepared" and the "everything is fine" groups. Ask yourself, which one do you fit in at this moment? and set back and ask yourself "DO YOU FEEL SAFE WITH YOUR CHOICE AT THIS MOMENT?"
   We currently have a government running out of control and nobody at the helm and we are most certain to sink if something isn't done, if the people don't stand up and say " ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"
Here We are in the most important time in America's HISTORY , We have to stand up together as
ONE NATION UNDER GOD AND DEMAND OUR PROPER GOVRENMENT! this could have never been what our founding Father envisioned for this Countries future, but they could see it as possible so that is why they made the Constitution to protect us against the very things our Government is trying to force upon us .But unless we do something that document is just a piece of paper and we are sure to be under RULE OF GOVERNMENT and no longer a nation for the People By The People .  We have been fleeced, Our Government has been Hijacked , and our way of life is being held hostage for the ransom of our childrens future ! WAKE UP , And start today, don't feel powerless against a Government which gets its powers from you THE AMERICAN PEOPLE . This is the reason Revolution gets started ,People become tired of being bullied by their over bearing Government AND THEY DO SOMETHING . I am not promoting bloodshed on this very sacred land we call " Home" but I am proposing that we do more than "hope" for the best when we already know that the People who are "suppose" too be getting the best for us , or that 's why I voted . They have proven to not be capable of getting the job done . So let's not sit around and wait let's get this done so we can get back to living the way we are suppose to be living in this country and that was not intended to be  " hand to mouth ".  Let's take ACTION NOW !         Post back let me Know how you Feel . Thanks for reading !

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